Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Week 1 - State of the League Address

Western Conference Player of the Week
Pau “turkeyneckbeardface” Gasol
Eastern Conference Player of the Week
Rajon Rondo (24 assists?)

The ‘10-‘11 NBA season is one week old and we have plenty to talk about. 
Here are some of my observations and predictions. 

Eat my bullet-points (pause):

  • The Celtics are angry and ready for their Finals rematch vs The Lakers
  •  KG is so spit-froth angry he called Charlie Villanueva a cancer patient (hilariously redacted)
  • The Lakers will win the '10-'11 Finals rematch unless Shaq becomes Kazaam
  • Landry Fields is actually a decent NBA player
  • Blake Griffin is Rookie of the Year
  • John Wall - future All Star (24 pts, 13 dimes, & 9 steals?)
  • Yao Ming’s 24 minute rule is stupid and self-defeating
  • The Heat will win 65 games
  • T-Mac has knees made of charcoal dust - finito

Eastern Conference Playoff Predictions

1. Miami Heat
2. Orlando Magic
3. Boston Celtics
4. Atlanta Hawks
5. Chicago Bulls
6. Milwaukee Bucks
7. Washington Wizards
8. New York Knicks
Dark Horse: Cleveland Cavaliers

Western Conference Playoff Predictions

1. L.A. Lakers
2. Oklahoma City Thunder
3. Portland Trailblazers
4. Dallas Mavericks
5. San Antonio Spurs
6. Houston Rockets
7. Utah Jazz
8. New Orleans Hornets
Dark Horse: Phoenix Suns

Kazaam can see the future!!!!!!!!!!


  1. i must say i concur the good word kong!

  2. Thank yoo and stay tooned for more of the latest and strangest that the league has to offer us...

  3. Bullets were delicious, more please. Questions:

    Why does D'Antoni hate Wilson Chandler so much?
    T-Mac was inactive one game due to the official diagnosis of "tired legs".... really?
    I love John Wall for life...but can you imagine Jordan being introduced and then doing the Dougie? Or am I just getting old for even questioning the meaning of it? I suppose a near triple double with 9 steals allows you to do whatever the fuck you want.
    Is this considered blog jacking?
    JaVale McGee is the best. No question here.

  4. Garnett just declared this blog a cancerous influence on the league. Congrats.

  5. Thank you Mathers and Murphy for your contributions to this fine virtua-periodical.

    To answer your questions Mathers:
    !)D'Antoni has (un)intentionally fired up Wil the Thrill to delightful results - early front-runner for 6th Man of the Year as long as the Kanix don't poop the bed.

    2)Tired legs is the best injury summary ever posted...yes really!

    3) Sam Cassell personally requested the Dougie as a crowd-pleaser - would you say no to Assistant Coach Cassell? Didn't think so old man.

    4) If that was a blog-jack - consider this the re-acquisition.

    5) Nick Young, Andray Blatche and JaVale McGee are the three men I would like by my side if I was trolling D.C. clubs for B-rate groupies...
